Today I attended a Grand Rounds on Global Health Initiative in Japan by the hospital I volunteer at. Basically the doctor explained how Japanese doctors from the U.S., including himself, went to provide aid during the earthquake/tsunami crisis, and how the crisis in general was handled medically there. He also pointed out how amazed he was that these doctors took time out of their hectic schedules to go voluntarily, and also how his colleagues covered for him here.
As I continued to listen to the talk I thought to myself how I keep finding myself drawn to global health. Especially since I went to Indonesia, it has been my biggest goal to go back and "lend a helping hand." Yet while my peers are going to New Orleans and Tanzania etc for relief, I still find myself here. Not doing half the things I keep talking about and wishing for. And one of the questions you would be asked on the Day of Judgement: What did you do with your youth?
Yes, there are gender issues that come to play. And financial. I also tell myself to just have patience, build your self up first into a well-educated person before jumping into work that needs all that education and training. But do these answers suffice?
So props to people who are truly able to put their own needs and wants aside, go out of their comfort zone and make a difference in the world. InsyaAllah we will all eventually gain the courage and strength to reach the top of that mountain.